Thursday, September 10, 2009

Twilight Saga

I'm reading Breaking Dawn again (I think, for the 2nd time?) and it never fails to excite me everytime I read the part wherein they are looking for their vampire friends to help them not to get killed by the Volturi because of Reneesme. And I've been thinking since last year why Meyer gave those titles to her books: Twilight, New Moon, Ecplise and Breaking Dawn. I really don't think that she just named it like that because it sounds good, I know that there's something behind that name and I, a self-confessed Twilight addict, have a theory on why those names came to be =)

1. Twilight : I don't know that exact page, chapter and the exact words on how Bella described Edward as her moon. So, as we all know, twilight is the time of the day immediately following sunset and after twilight - night time comes - therefore, there will be a moon (if it's not new moon). And so, since Bella met Edward - her mooon - in that book, she is in the period of twilight, or the period where her 'moon' is coming out.

2. New Moon : In this book, Edward suddenly leaves Bella (I will try my best not to give out Spoilers) without telling her the reason. So, as we all know, new moon is the time when it cannot be seen in any place on earth - thus, it's invisible. So since Edward, Bella's moon is gone, therefore, it is a new moon.

3. Eclipse : I know for sure that Jacob is Bella's sun. In this book, Jacob and Edward are fighting for Bella's attention and stuff. Eclipse is the obscuring of one heavenly body by another. And in this situation, the moon -- Edrawd and the sun -- Jacob, are fighting to outshine each other.

4. Breaking Dawn : (*SPOILER alert*) In this book, Bella finally became what she wanted to be from the beginning of the book. And the reason why it came to be is that her daughter almost killed her since Reneesme is not "normal". Fast forward (since it is such a think book), when Jacob saw Reneesme, this werewolf thing happened to him that made the two of them kind of like love at first sight, but stronger, much stronger. it's like the ONE. Your absolute soulmate. your one and only. Life has no meaning with out them. And so, the sun - Jacob, emerges from his heartache when he finally proved to himself that Bella will never be his. But then again, he still became a part of her life - and her family by imprinting on Reneesme - thus, the Sun emerges -- breaking dawn.

So, what do you think? Am I right or am I right? =)

1 comment:

  1. I am a recent arrival at Twilight so I have unfortunately had to NOT read this posting for fear of spoilers. ;)
